
Andrew McArthur-Edwards

Group CEO, Now Comms Asia

Andrew McArthur-Edwards

Group CEO, Now Comms Asia

The OG. The man who, against all odds, brought everything together through sheer will, wisdom, and whiskey. His beard doesn’t go unnoticed, much like the confidence he imbues, the knowledge he loves to impart, and the grand vision he passionately shares with anyone willing to embark on the journey of discovery.

Andrew’s journey started in Australia, where he developed a reputation for being an innovative thinker and a problem-solver. Throughout his expansive career, some of the world’s most defining brands sought to tap on his vast experience and strategic counsel to overcome their most complex sales, marketing, and business challenges. 

But even then, Andrew struggled to contain the entrepreneurial spirit that was burgeoning within him. With a deep desire to build and be part of something bigger, Andrew took a leap of faith and forayed into Singapore, the gateway to Asia. Here he planted the seed for what has now become Now Comms Asia, where he proudly sits on the Board of Directors and serves as the Group CEO and occasional bartender. Andrew has come a long way, but he isn’t slowing down. On the contrary, he is a battery that keeps going, pushing himself and the people around him to realise their full potential and strive for greatness. 


D4 Dog

Group Enforcer, Now Comms Asia

D4 Dog

Group Enforcer, Now Comms Asia

The Enforcer, or Defa, as she’s more affectionately known among exclusive circles, makes the expression ‘a dog eat dog world’ sound like something out of a children’s bedtime story.

A master of deception, Defa stealthily prowls the darkest recesses of the Now Comms labyrinth to capture it all with her hawkish gaze. Her paws sound like the cracking of whips as she eagerly surveils for the slightest inkling of idleness among her wretched minions.

Defa fervently exerts her authority with unbridled ferocity to keep everyone in check. The unfortunate laborers under her charge have no choice but to display unwavering efficiency, productivity, and quality in their output — purely borne out of fear of the tenacity of her impending ghastly wrath. Pity the fool who dares come into defiance of The Enforcer.